Conflict - Increase The PressureINCREASE THE PRESSURE


The second album full of same old song.
Fighting back against a system which is cruel and wrong.
Yet another battering ram against a wall of power.
A blasphemous attack to blow the leaders cover.
It's a message from those who won't take no more
Of seeing the privileged profit from the poor,
Of the scientists piss they call research,
Of being told we're scum and shoulmd be birched.

Well bollocks to them all,
Keep smashing at the wall.
Pile the pressure on and Government will fall.

But it takes more than music and more than words to recreate a nation that's controlled by hoards of police, army and fuk knows what else, that they've got waiting for the backlash from the people who cares.
To question their control, their dividing lines, power must be tested, it's a testing time.

Power must be tested, we've heard that time and time again but no matter how much pain and protest, nothing seems to change.
The Government show forces and our movement cowers in fear, some still strive for freedom, while others simply sneer!

It's the same old racket with the same old songs.
Well it's the same fucking system and it still stands strong.
The battle continues so bollocks to them,
Who mock our anarchy then bow their heads again.
YOU try working for something that a law can't take back.
As a loss of privilege for stepping out of line,
Power aint been tested, so now's the time to fuck them up again.

LAW AND ORDER (throughout the land)

No more law and order, that word says it all, it's just one human being denying another of self rule. The police aint authority, for all they do is serve the state, they do their dirty work to make the people learn. They interrogate, descriminate, smash demos and assault. They sort out all queers and keep the wogs locked in a vault, and they're here for protection but protection for who? They all wear that same badge that says FUCK YOU ALL.

Oh yeah, they're here to maintain rights, they're here to keep the peace. They've also got a right to lock up and not release any form of rebel. They'll even work against their own, because they bribe them very well and they may also get a home. Protect their privilege no matter what the cost, now you're piggy in the middle and they couldn't give a toss. They shit back and laugh, yes they laugh at you too, because they also wear a badge that says we use you! It's just the same old tory of a state gone wrong, where possessions matter and people don't be surprised that we've turned against you because if you take their side, it's FUCK YOU TOO!


No, there's no fucking way, that anything's going to change, it depends on you and you know! We can protest till death, they won't listen, don't sit back and think it will happen. They won't give up what they've robbed, stand up and resist.

But hte leaders have caught on, we see that they've prepared for civil war, hile on our side we squabble about who does what and who sells more. There's women with just one reason, to fight for their equality forgetting the system holds superiority.

First we've got to come together, so fuck the differences, it doesn't matter if it's noise or music to them WE ALL talk piss. To them we're the sick farce, nowlet's prove them right, if we're to stand the slightest chance, we must unite and fight. We must never give up, make sure our message aint forgotten, that's if they won't fucking stop, then we're gonna fucking stop them!


Mother nature smiles and cracks a new day dawn,
Most people on the earth are sleeping comfortably and warm.
Out in the fields and pastures, it's another new day too,
One without the war and hatred that is know by me and you.
A shriek disturbs the peacfullness, the cat's just killed a mouse,
The mother says with feeling as she looks out from the house.
It's breakfast time, the clock strikes nine, ham bacon, one egg or two?
What a shame about that mouse, what's for tea tonight, lamb stew?

Well theres things to do, so the family divides in separate ways.
Father works to earn to keep, he's a butcher and well paid.
The daughters go to riding school, mother washes up the crap.
One son plays with soldiers, the other aggravates the cat.
Back out in the fields, a different stories taking place,
Foxes cower with their cubs, to escape the human race.
Rabbits run for life, deer take cover in the trees.
The mother sighs with disbelief, then prepares the meat.

Think what you are doing.
The system's set to ruin.
The life not the profit.
We've got to fucking stop it.

Because before too long there'll be nothing left alive,
Not a creature on the land or sea, a bird in the sky.
They'll be shot, harpooned, eaten and hunted too much,
Vivisected by the clever men who prove theres no such;
Thing as a fair world with live and let live,
The Royal family go hunting, what an example to give!
To the people they lead and that don't include me,
I've seen enough pain and torture of those who can't speak.
So I'm gonna speak for them in all out attack,
And if someone tried to whip me, then i'll fucking whip 'em back.
Coz I've had enough of them hounding of the madness in their theatres of hell,
Enough of them hounding the fox to the kill, of baby seals being clubbed, their mothers cut up.
They satisfy their greed, their wealths built on blood.
Of their slaughterhouse haunting the back of the mind,
The gas chamber of farm life, the end of the line.

It's a shame about that mouse!


Punk still means much more than fashion, a movement made that no one can change. It's a form of rebellion, it comes from the street and it's made by idiots like me! See!

We're all caught in a web of power and we are all holding each other in place. Forced into position by one another, I see I'm ready to break free!

But I can't move unless you fucking do
I can't move unless you fucking do
I can't move unless you fucking do
I can't move unless you lot do

You can't move unless I choose to
You can't move unless I choose to
You can't move unless I choose to
Well how much longer are we gonna wait.

I never said it could, I said it would, it can, it will, it is HAPPENING!


The music press grins but do you think they would help us, NO!, it's not their interest, freedom's not what they want. The change in their lifestyle would destroy the bank balance, much rather they would shit and watch the world collapse. In their fairy tale city they poison the mind, rock'n'roll for entertainment, so the nationwon't find out about corruption, control, the distribution of welth, it's a plan based on distraction. Well see for yourself, they make millions profit, now who's on what side? Do you see them lift a finger as the starving victim die? Some people tried to change things, tried to clear out all the shit, big bosses forced a clamdown, anarchy must not exist!

Fuck off! If you don't want to help, that's the message loud and clear, from the con men you once labelled, you bastards just don't care. Just who the fuck are you talk?, you even sell yourselves, o.k. you've got your opinions, well now have ours as well.

Shut your mouth, because you don't understand the way things are, the way we live, the role we play is not a superstar for you to use, build up, smash down as you see fit. You dozy jerks you write such shit.

If we sound like a bad phone call then you've got a crossed line. We tell you the same as yesterday, well, did you think we'd changed our minds. You say we look too violent, say our message is forgotten, well, if you don't like that tough because that's the only face I've got! So

Shut your mouth, because you don't understand the way things are, the way we live, the role we play is not a superstar for you to use, build up, smash down as you see fit. You don't know shit... You make me sick.


Cruise missiles have arrived, despite our protest and anger, the fucked up shits took no notice of our banners, they ignored the nation's pleas of a chance to work for peace, they reinforced their laws and brought their servants to their knees.

While Maggie shits back in her province of power, the nation's scared shitlessin fear of a shower, of the worst thing that could be possible, the destruction of the world, the of us all. God save the Queen are you sure it aint the bank? It's the profit of all nations that makes the leaders wank. From the Germans to the Russains and the Great British too, the people are the same, it's the Governments who.

Fuck, rape and destroy our world they treat as a toy, the truth they abuse and hide with war threats, system and lies. Thirty million will die, while the Royals and Government hides, so the nation's wealth can survive, but the rest of us just fries.

The man, Heseltine sits and gloats at his warheads, while Tatcher observes, "Oh, there's a hundred thousand more dead." The missiles roar over, ther's nothing they can do but there's still a chance to stop it and that relies on me and you. Maggie sucks Andropov in her brothel of power, while Raygun gives speeches of bullshit to cover the fact that it's profit that brought the missile fear. Well ram them up your own arse, because we don't want them here. What are we going to be doing now it's 1984.

"In order to overcome hte massive odds in 1984, we need unity and respect. If we can pratise every day, when strengh is needed, we will have it."

THE SYSTEM MAINTAINS..... The Government which controls the system under which we are all forced to live. They control how it operates and after it as they see fit, so of course the system suits the governers, royaltiy and the rich perfectly. Any objections by others, to their plans, are crushed and the protesters punished. This is called democracy.
Their system is based upon profit and wealth, it maintains the segregation of the classes, represents the rich and rapes the poor. It crushes any chance of change by using an organisation called the Police.
The police are a groupe of people that have decided to work for the Government. Their use is to inforce their system and protect them and all they do from questioning. Under the banner of law and order these people have the right to kick, punch, arrest and fuck up any other human being they see fit. I may seem extreme but it's ture.
March 29th 1984, the proof, about 3000 angry, humiliated human beings, turned out in the city of London, to protest to the government (remember free speech) about the way they spend our money and the suffering caused by their fucked up system.
It was to be a peaceful demo but the police had other plans, they had been informed to be hard on the protesters and they done just that. The police started kicking and punching people. I saw a punk girl get groped by police, when she objected she was arrested and charged with obstruction. (protection for who?) Others sickened by the sight moved in and scuffles broke out. The police adored it, they had their excuse to show the fist and the order of the boot was adopted. I was kicked by an officer, who tried to incite me to hit out, but I ignored it and moved on.
Trouble was increasing as tempers flared, the crowd were surrounded by police vans, police on horses and police on foot. A horse was charged at the crowd and a man had his leg broken. He shouted abuse, was arrested and, with his broken leg, tossed face down into an awaiting police van. Other officers got in the van and he was driven away!
All forms of protest and free speech were made illegal and the day ended with 382 arrests and a lot of people hurt! FUCK AUTHORITY! The police were confused, disturbed and exposed but only to the people there.
THE MEDIA radio, T.V. and newspapers ignored all police brutality and in fact made them look well in order but then would because they too are controled and censored by..... the government!
You'll see what they want you to see, you'll hear what they want you to hear. AN EXCELLENT FORM OF CONTROL.
To control us they use the PRISON, thei concentration camp, the end of the line for those who are forced to commit crime. They prefer people to be wrong and punished,, rather than society to be wrong and changed.
Remeber why. £££££££££££££££££
To maintain their power, they threaten. They use fear as one of their weapons. With authority they kill people. People who obstruct or threaten the state are secretly disposed of. These people mysteriously disappear and this is usually put down to action by extremist militant nutters. How very true.
To maintain their respect they torture and lie. Torture still exists all over the world. It's used in two forms: physical and mental. This is carried out by top government agents, who have the guarantee that if exposed, the government will overpower the law to protect them.
Protect who? Think! The system's maintained in their fortress of power, we're their foudations. When the foundations move, the building will collapse and the weight of oppression will be destroyed and our world shall exist. It can happen! It will happen! It is happening! Tomorrow belongs to everyone, ACT NOW! INCREASE THE PRESSURE,
Conflict, London 1984.


  1. Conflict are not pacifists and have never claimed to be, we believe and strive for peace and freedom but will not let people destroy the little we have.
  2. Three members of Conflict are vegetarians, Colin, Kevin and John. Paco is the only member that is not.
  3. At present, the band still wear articles of leather, this is now down to just boots. We will continue to wear the boots until they are useless, as in our eyes it is a double waste of life to throw them away. We will not buy more.
  4. The future. What future? There won't be a future unless you work for it. We can't tell you how, that's for you to decide, all we will say is there needs to be less words and more action. Increase the Pressure 1984.


Please don't buy any Conflict/Mortarhate merchandise from any of the state controlled stores, we do not supply them and most of the things are made by people with no other intention than to line their pockets. For info on alternative merchandise, write to:
"Backlash Products" c/o P.O. Box 448; Eltham, London, S.E.9.

Conflict - Increase The Pressure
Animal lovers.

Conflict - Increase The Pressure


I'll concede (even applaud) Conflict's sincerity and honesty and social conscience, but oh their music leaves a lot to be desired - like earplugs!
Now, this is not merely a subjective complaint (OK, so I don't like Conflict's music, but then I never liked Tight Fit either and it never did them any harm!) but a matter of communication. Conflict aren't just mindless thrash, they're a group of concerned individuals with an impassioned message who are stuck in totally the wrong medium for conveying it.
Sure, I know it's great to go wild to and I know the records are comparatively restrained (and contain important lyric sheets), I'm not denying any of that, but at the Ace on Saturday, Conflict simply were not communicating.
The positive proof of this was 'Exploitation', one of their hard-hitting attacks on how punk has become a cul-de-sac movement... and the mohican in frot of me, wearing a leather 'Punk's Not Dead' totally missed the point, with damming irony.
Conflict undoubtedly have the potential, the ability and the vision to do something startling and innovative. Amid such easily-won adulation as this, though, do they have the courage?
ROADRUNNER - "Con Men" - Conflict's Colin: bring along your earplugs!


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